
Plastic Pet Bottle

Plastic Bottle Cap Manufacturers, Custom Pet Bottles, Pet Bottles suppliers.
Made by: https://www.plastic-bottle-manufacturers.com/plastic-bottle-cap-manufacturers/

Buffer is completed after each injection screw head in front of the balance, too little will result in poor shape, too much can cause PET decomposition. The amount is generally adjusted gradually from small to large, to preform not hair spray or crystallization as appropriate.
Cool down
PET opaque and transparent preform reason, rely on cooling. Not to reduce the cooling rate of cooling preforms, it will lead to shrink, bottle deformation and influence the cycle time, in order to avoid this situation, to do: water treatment, regular cleaning of waterways, check the water flow and water pressure, core and type washable and other chamber. PET Preform type common problems and solutions Blowing
Blowing process
Biaxial stretching blow molding process is a process, in this process, PET chain was biaxially stretched, orientation and arrangement, thereby increasing the mechanical properties of the bottle wall to improve the tensile, tensile, impact strength, and there are good air tightness. While stretching helps improve strength, but not too much tension, to control the stretch blow-up ratio: Radial Do not exceed 3.5 to 4.2, 2.8 to 3.1 do not exceed the axial. Preform thickness should not exceed 4.5mm.
Blowing is between the glass transition temperature and crystallization temperature, generally controlled between 90 to 120 degrees. In this interval after PET showed high elastic state, fast blow, cooling set into a transparent bottle. In one step, the temperature is cooled by the injection molding process determines the length of time (such as Aoki blowing machine), so linking the injection - blow the relationship between the two stations.
Blow molding process are: stretch - a blow - the second blow, time three actions is very short, but it must be with the good, especially in the first two steps determine the overall distribution of materials, blowing their quality. So to regulate: stretch starting opportunity, stretching speed, start and end timing of pre-blowing, pre-blowing pressure, pre-gas flow rate, etc., if possible, to control overall temperature distribution preforms, bottles billet inner and outer walls of the temperature gradient.

