
Wine Bottles

Plastic Water Bottle Manufacturers, Custom Pet Bottles, Pet Bottles suppliers.
Made by: http://www.plastic-bottle-manufacturers.com 

Preform is heated by the heating oven to complete, the temperature is set manually, automatically adjusted. Emit far infrared oven heated by the far infrared radiation preform tube, the bottom of the oven fan heat circulation, so the oven temperature uniformity. Preform in the oven at the same time moves forward rotation, so preform wall heat evenly.
Lamps arranged in an oven from top to bottom general was "zone" shape, more than two and less in the middle. Heat the oven by opening the number of lamps, the overall temperature setting, and each section was heated oven power than joint control. The lamp is turned in conjunction with the pre-blowing to be adjusted.
To play a better role oven, adjust its height, the cooling plate, etc. is very important, if adjusted properly, prone to swelling during blow bottle (bottle large), a hard head and neck (neck material will not pull out), etc. defects.
2.3 pre-blow
Pre-blowing is a two-step blow molding method is a very important step, it refers to the stretch blow molding process, while the rod drop pre-blowing beginning to make preforms in its shape. This step is a pre-blow position, pre-blowing pressure and gas flow rate are three important technological factors.
Pre-blowing shape determines the difficulty of the merits of the performance of the bottle blow molding process of the pros and cons. Pre-blowing normal spindle shape, unusual, there are sub-bell-like, handle-shaped and so on, as shown in FIG. Causes abnormal shapes have local heating improper or inadequate pre-blowing pressure gas flow rate, etc., and the pre-blowing the size depends on the pre-blow pressure and pre-blow position. In the production of the entire equipment to maintain all pre-blowing uniform size and shape, if the difference will have to look for specific reasons, can adjust the heating or pre-blow process according to the pre-blowing situation.
With the size of the pre-blow pressure bottle size, equipment capacity varies, large general capacity, pre-blowing pressure to be small; equipment production capacity, pre-blowing pressure is high.

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  1. will absorb heat and secondary injection stream atomization crystal shape is regular or irregular parabolic and parabolic thickness of some small, Custom Glass bottles

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