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Deterioration, so pure PET bottled beer storage period is very short. Foreign pure PET bottles are only used for short-term storage of cheap beer. In addition, pure PET
The temperature and scratch resistance of the bottle is poor and the recyclability is not as good as glass bottles. ● Polyethylene naphthalate (PEN): PEN has good gas barrier properties, heat resistance, UV resistance and scratch resistance. PEN bottled beer, storage life of PET bottles for 5 times, up to 6 months or more. PEN heat resistance enough to withstand pasteurization and recovery of the temperature of sterilization. PEN's scratch resistance is good, can be recycled, so that its higher costs have to make up. Its price is about bottle-level PET price of 8 times. The high availability of PEN and PEN is the main limitation of PEN beer bottles. ● multi-layer composite or coated modified PET: the current foreign market, most PET beer bottles are modified by coating or multi-layer modified PET. Some modified PET beer bottle performance has reached or exceeded the PEN, is more optimistic about the foreign market beer bottle material, but also the focus of the development of the manufacturers. ● PET and PEN blending: 8% of the PEN and PET blends, beer bottles can extend the life of 2 - 3 times. PEN is blended with PET at a rate of 5% to 25%, and it is economically feasible to copolymerize or be used as a barrier for PET multi-layer blow molding vessels. Over the years, after the choice of plastic materials and its economic research, beer bottle barrier, preservation and storage period and other issues have been basic
To solve, plastic beer bottles with the development potential of the big market has begun to start. Europe, North America and Japan Some influential brewers have begun to expand the use of plastic beer bottles. Many observers believe that in 1 - 2 years, plastic containers will be a lot into the beer market. Foreign R & D and market conditions As noted, Japan's Mitsubishi Plastics Corporation, Nissan ISB Machinery Company and You Teike company can achieve the practical use of plastic beer bottles, plans to put into use in China. The three companies to develop a plastic bottle within the towel membrane technology, the use of this technology can be 20-30nm thickness of the carbonate film evenly attached to the inner wall, as a blocking film used to prevent the beer contained in the carbonic acid leakage out, so that Plastic beer bottles and glass bottles have the same anti-acid leakage effect. 500ml plastic beer bottle quality is only 30g, glass beer bottle is 1/10. Japanese manufacturers to see our market beer bottles and beer cans production in short supply, so the first plan in China launched plastic beer bottles.

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which can be within a few hours to make beer can not drink.PET bottle of another problem is unable to bear the beer for pasteurization when the higher temperature 78 ℃, bear 15 min.) According to the United States BP Amoco company said, to produce qualified beer bottles, should have a higher resistance to gas permeability performance, and can withstand pasteurization temperature. A few years ago, a Polyethylene naphthalate (PEN), which is similar to PET chemical structure, is considered to have a good prospect in the field of beer bottle manufacture.PEN melting point is 263 ℃, close to PET, glass transition temperature is above 113 ℃ , More than 40 ℃ above PET, long-term use temperature above 155 ℃, product size and stability, heat shrinkage is less than PET.PEN gas barrier is good, the O2 barrier than PET 4 times, the barrier to CO2 5 times higher than the water barrier 3.5 times .PEN transparent in the visible light range, and can be blocked beer sensitive less than 380nm UV. Packed in pure PEN bottles of beer, storage life can be as long as 6 months. However, PEN expensive, has not yet reached mass production.Therefore, the current PEN plastic beer bottle market positioning is more expensive high-end beer. Plastic beer bottles in recent years, the international competition research and development of new packaging materials. Compared with the glass beer bottle, its advantages: than the glass light, can reduce the storage and transportation costs; good security, easy to break, easy to explode; its shortcomings: the beer is easy to oxidize deterioration, very sensitive to light,
And usually need to ensure that 120
Days of storage, therefore, the application of plastic in the beer bottle market than in the mineral water bottle and soft drinks market application is much more difficult. However, as long as the use of advanced technology to develop the appropriate plastic varieties, these shortcomings can be completely overcome.

The key to the selection of plastic beer bottles is storage life and cost. Factors related to the former include the barrier properties of the material to the gas (to prevent oxygen ingress and carbon dioxide exudation), the UV resistance of the material, and the like, including raw material prices, raw material availability, and recyclability. At present, foreign plastic beer bottles are the following: ● polyethylene terephthalate (PET): the current soft drinks used PET is PET. But used as a beer bottle, because PET gas barrier is poor, easy to make beer take the gas


Pet Plastic Recycling

The phenomenon of filling carbonated Soft water is particularly common. 4, PET plastic beer bottle cover attention. When sealing the metal cover, it is best to know the material of the metal cover. If the bottle is made of aluminum metal cover, the sealing and sealing tightness will not be much problematic. When the lid is iron metal, pay special attention to the crown cover metal cover harness claw claw with the bottle after the seal, the metal cover will be due to mechanical rebound of metal materials. If the rebound from the position, the packaging seal is certainly poor, the bottle but encountered a light and heat and shock, in the role of external force to shrink or expansion, will make the bottle and the bottle seal close to move , Resulting in leakage exudate. 5, plastic coating technology with good gas barrier, UV light blocking the advantages of its shortcomings is impatient impact. Encounter a strong shock will be due to its separation and shedding of contaminated liquor, causing physical harm to consumers. 6, plastic bottles because of thin wall, in the filling of beer drinks, because of its firmness can not withstand vacuum treatment, the bottle of oxygen commonly used long tube perfusion method, and the addition of carbon dioxide exhaust oxygen. With plastic bottles for beer beverage packaging, in the filling of beer drinks need to add a PET plastic bottles for the bottle machine, can also be blow molding machine and beer beverage filling line at the same time production. Beer Beverage Filling In view of the plastic bottles and glass bottles there are different technical requirements, the former is hanging bottlenecks to air to send the bottle, the use of plastic caps are mostly plastic and metal two,
Basically for the cross-pressure seal and fork pressure claw seal way. The latter is by the conveyor chain and the star wheel with the bottle, filling and capping when the bottle by legislation, the use of the plastic cover for the plastic and metal two, the way for the clamping and pressure claw way The Beer as a favorite drink, consumption is huge. It is reported that the world will need 300 billion beer bottles. China needs nearly 32.07 billion beer bottles per year, of which 20% of new bottles, about 80% for the recovery bottle [2]. In 2001, the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine organized a state-level supervision and inspection on the quality of the beer in the production area. A total of 61 kinds of beer bottles manufactured by 61 enterprises were sampled and qualified. The qualified rate of the products was 83.6%. Which resistance to impact, resistance to internal pressure failure is caused by the main items of substandard items.
For more than 16 years in Plastic Bottle Cap Manufacturers, Custom Plastic Bottles, main in high-end markets, such as USA, EUROPE, JPAN markets. https://www.plastic-bottle-manufacturers.com 


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Australia's CUB company with a single layer of PET bottles packaged 500ml beer, room temperature can be maintained for 4 weeks, and the company uses epoxy amine coated PET bottle packaging 500ml beer, shelf life of up to 100 days. However, the current production efficiency of the technology is low, the surface coating technology to provide the barrier properties are often affected by the specific surface area of ??the bottle, the coating will be due to creep caused by uneven thickness, or by regular friction leaving the barrier The The coating also exists on the safety of food issues, these issues need to be further studied to solve the cost also need to be further reduced, it will help the market process.

(3) Blending of different materials By mixing other organic polymers or inorganic materials in a polymer to improve and equalize the performance of each component, overcome the weakness of a single component to achieve the desired properties of the ideal polymer material , Is the development of new plastic, one of the most simple shortcuts. For PET high barrier materials, this method has also been extensively and extensively studied, such as EVOH, PVDC, PE, PP, PA and PEN in organic polymers are used for blending with PET to improve material barrier properties. progress. Studies have shown that the barrier properties of the blends strongly depend on the morphology of the blends. The main reason why a variety of material blends can improve the barrier properties is to increase the channel aspect ratio of the molecules in the polymer when the molecules diffuse through the dispersed phase (high barrier material layer). The high barrier properties correspond to the blends with large radial deformations in the dispersed phase. At present, the most successful organic PET blend material is a kind of PEN (polyethylene naphthalate) which is similar to PET structure and has higher barrier property and good compatibility. It has excellent barrier properties and mechanical properties, Can be used alone for the preparation of plastic beer bottles, but because of its high price (pound price
For 8 dollars / Kg), it is difficult for customers to accept. As a raw material, the amount of PEN used as a raw material is small, but it can be made thinner, which can greatly improve the barrier property of PET while being inexpensive and easier to be accepted by the market and the user. At the same time, a variety of nano-inorganic materials are also used to blending with PET to improve the material barrier properties and mechanical properties, such as nano-montmorillonite, silica, titanium dioxide and nano-zinc oxide are used for blending with PET, Most of its role as a nucleating agent, a small amount can increase the nucleation of materials, improve the ability of directional crystallization, thereby improving the mechanical properties and barrier properties.
For more than 16 years in Plastic Bottle Cap Manufacturers, Custom Plastic Bottles, main in high-end markets, such as USA, EUROPE, JPAN markets. https://www.plastic-bottle-manufacturers.com 


Use Of Waste Plastic Bottles

Pet plastic bottles are not only widely used in packaging carbonated beverages, drinking water, fruit juice, enzymes and tea drinks, etc., is the largest use of today's beverage packaging, and widely used in food, chemicals, pharmaceutical packaging and other fields. But when these materials are abandoned, faced with how to deal with the problem. PET plastic bottle recycling can not only solve environmental problems, but also can be used as a new raw material resources to alleviate the contradiction between China's lack of PET raw materials. Yes, look back at China's 30 years of reform and opening up, although China has made remarkable achievements in the economic field, but also to the Chinese environment has brought a very serious damage. Water pollution, air pollution, solid waste pollution and so on. To China's economy has brought shrinking. People are gradually aware of this problem, the corresponding proposed to take the road of sustainable development, green GDP strategy, circular economy strategy, and so a series of measures. It can be seen, PET plastic bottle recycling in line with China's real problems facing, for environmental protection, conservation of resources, sustainable development have great benefits. PET plastic bottle physical recovery treatment method is relatively simple, mainly to clean the PET plastic bottle waste dry and granulation. The physical handling of PET plastic bottles is closely linked to the sorting process. There are two main physical recovery methods: First, the waste PET plastic bottle chopped into pieces, from the PET separation of HDPE, aluminum, paper and adhesives, PET fragments and then washed, dried, granulation;

Second, the first waste PET plastic bottles on the non-PET caps,
Base, labels and other impurities with mechanical separation, and then by washing, broken, granulation. Recycled PET may not contain PVC impurities, otherwise it will affect the color of PET. When the PVC mixed with less amount can be manually on the conveyor belt separation, that is, by the role of torque when the PVC and PET plastic bottles in the force part of the different
Different melting points, will break the PET and PVC debris through the heater and temperature control of the conveyor belt, PVC is melted and adhered to the conveyor belt, so that can be separated from the PET. The label on the beverage bottle can be removed after the bottle is broken with a blower and a cyclone separator. Can also be separated by the extraction tower separation device, broken PET fragments vertically from the top of the separation tower to join the debris and the rising air flow to form a countercurrent, the use of PET and label debris specific gravity difference, the label was pumped, PET from the bottom of the separator, in order to To ensure the separation efficiency of the label, in the production can be used more than two sets of separation device. The washing of PET chips is very important. Washing often use 80-100 ° C hot water to soften or dissolve the adhesive and the base of the EVA adhesive or other types of adhesive.

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coil, or beer bottles, are the use of PET plastic. But when these materials are abandoned, faced with the problem of how to deal with the annual production of PET plastic bottles of tens of billions, it is expected that by 2005, each year there will be more than 500,000 tons of PET for the manufacture of PET plastic bottles. Therefore, the recycling of PET plastic bottles can not only solve environmental problems, but also can be used as a new raw material resources to alleviate the contradiction of China's lack of PET raw materials. Yes, look back at China's 30 years of reform and opening up, although China has made remarkable achievements in the economic field, but also to the Chinese environment has brought a very serious damage. Water pollution, air pollution and so on. To China's economy has brought shrinking. People are gradually aware of this problem, the corresponding proposed to take the road of sustainable development, green GDP strategy, circular economy strategy, and so a series of measures. It can be seen, PET plastic bottle recycling in line with China's real problems facing, for environmental protection, conservation of resources, sustainable development have great benefits. PET plastic bottles Application areas: PET has been used in the vast market, like the pharmaceutical industry, mineral water, beverage industry, pesticide industry, chemical packaging, food packaging, and even the future development of beer industry, and other fields.

Physical recovery processing
Law: PET plastic bottle physical recovery processing method is relatively simple, mainly to clean the PET plastic bottle waste dry and granulation. The physical handling of PET plastic bottles is closely linked to the sorting process. There are two main physical recovery methods: First, the waste PET plastic bottle chopped into pieces, from the PET separation of HDPE, aluminum, paper and adhesives, PET fragments and then washed, dried, granulation; Waste PET plastic bottles on the non-PET cap, base, labels and other impurities with mechanical separation, and then by washing, broken, granulation. Recycled PET may not contain PVC impurities, otherwise it will affect the color of PET. When the PVC mixed with less amount can be manually separated on the conveyor belt, that is, by the role of torque when the PVC and PET plastic bottles in the force part of the different melting point, the broken PET and PVC debris through the heater and temperature Control of the conveyor belt, PVC is melted and adhered to the conveyor belt, so that can be separated from the PET. The label on the beverage bottle can be removed after the bottle is broken with a blower and a cyclone separator. Can also be separated by the extraction tower separation device, broken PET fragments vertically from the top of the separation tower to join the debris and the rising air flow to form a countercurrent.

For more than 16 years in Plastic Bottle Cap Manufacturers, Custom Plastic Bottles, main in high-end markets, such as USA, EUROPE, JPAN markets. https://www.plastic-bottle-manufacturers.com 

White Plastic Water Bottles

According to the above classification method, the resin can be divided into the following categories. 1. (Including AS), (also known as K resin), MS, MBS, transparent, transparent, transparent, transparent, transparent, transparent, , PES, J. D series, CR-39, TPX, HEMA, F4, F3, EFP, PVF, PVDF, EP, PF, UP, cellulose acetate, nitrocellulose and EVA. Where PES is polyethersulfone, J. D series of optical resins are PES copolymer derivatives, SAN is styrene / acrylonitrile copolymer, TPX is polymethyl-1-pentene, BS is 25% butadiene / 75% styrene copolymer, CR-39 Is a diallyl diethylene glycol carbonate polymer, and HEMA is a polyethyl acrylate. Among these transparent plastics, PC, PMMA, PS, PET, PETG, AS, BS, MS, MBS, transparent ABS, transparent PP and transparent PA are the most commonly used. 2. Translucent resin mainly includes PP, PE, PA, PVB (polyvinyl butyral) and so on. 3. Opaque resin absolutely opaque plastic varieties rarely, mainly PPO, POM and so on. The properties of commonly used transparent resins are shown in Table 9-9. Third, the specific choice of transparent plastic 1. Daily transparent materials daily transparent plastic requirements of the material is better transparency, low prices, easy to shape processing. (1) transparent film packaging with PE, PP, PS, PVC and PET, and so on. Agricultural PE, EVA, PVC and PET, and so on. (2) transparent film, board with PP, PVC, PET, PMMA and PC. (3) transparent pipe with PVC, PA and so on. (4) transparent bottles with PVC, PET, PP, PS and PC, and so on. 2. Lighting equipment materials lighting equipment mainly includes all kinds of lampshade products for light transmission. Specific performance, seeking for the high rate of approval, good impact resistance. Commonly used lighting equipment for the PS, modified PS, AS, PMMA and PC. 3. Optical instrument materials Optical instruments mainly refers to all kinds of mirror material, which includes glasses, lenses, magnifying glass and telescope, etc., can be divided into hard mirror and soft mirror body (contact lenses) two categories.

Traditional optical instruments are made of glass materials, but the plastic has a comparable transparency with the glass, but also has the advantages of light, easy to break, etc., is gradually replacing the glass material. (L) hard mirror body hard mirror body: to find the specific performance of transparent plastic: high transmittance, should be more than 90%, low haze; low birefringence to prevent image distortion.